Problem using ode23tb (Error: Index exceeds the number of array elements)

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I am trying to use the function ode23tb to solve the system of ODEs described bellow. However, I am having trouble, because the function returns an error, namely "Index exceeds the number of array elements (1)". I am not sure which variable is causing the problem. I am indexing the argument y within f, but, as far as I can understand, the same thing is done in the vdp1000 example in the ode23tb documentation and it causes no trouble. Thanks in advance for your help.
VDD = 10;
Ld = 120e-6;
Cg = 50e-12;
Cb = 40e-12;
RS = 50;
RL = 6.6;
iD = @(vG,vD) 10*(1/2.*(vG-3)+1/20.*log(2*cosh(10*(vG-3)))).*(1+0.003.*vD).*tanh(vD);
f = @(y,vs)[
ff = @(y,t) f(y,3+20*sin(2*pi*10e6*t));
[t,y] = ode23tb(ff,[0 pi/(10e6*pi)],[3; 10; 10/6.6]);

채택된 답변

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens 2021년 1월 18일
편집: Alan Stevens 2021년 1월 18일
Must be something to do with the nested functions! It works when structured as follows:
[t,y] = ode23tb(@yfn,[0 pi/(10e6*pi)],[3; 10; 10/6.6]);
function dydt = yfn(t,y)
VDD = 10;
Ld = 120e-6;
Cg = 50e-12;
Cb = 40e-12;
RS = 50;
RL = 6.6;
vG = y(1); vD = y(2);
iD = 10*(1/2.*(vG-3)+1/20.*log(2*cosh(10*(vG-3)))).*(1+0.003.*vD).*tanh(vD);
vs = 3+20*sin(2*pi*10e6*t);
dydt = [1/Cg*((vs-y(1))/RS-iD-y(3)-y(2)/RL);
(Not clear why you have pi/(constant*pi) as the pi's will cancel each other).

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