Curve fitting real functions

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
wallflower 2020년 12월 10일
댓글: wallflower 2021년 1월 4일
When doing my research to see how are real functions fitted in MATLAB, no answer has been found. Only the fitting of complex functions is proposed. Why is that?
Thanks in advance :^)
  댓글 수: 8
riccardo 2020년 12월 10일
The curve fitting tool seems to have the rational function as an option.
Alternatively, you could always revert to using "fzero" or "fminsearch", by converting your problem to minimising the residuals of:
<YourFunctionR>(f) * <denominator polynomial> - <numerator polynomial> = 0
wallflower 2021년 1월 4일
Thank you riccardo :D

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채택된 답변

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020년 12월 10일
There is a collection of library models that can be used with functionality in Curve Fitting Toolbox. One type of model included in that collection is 'rational', which contains polynomials of degree up to 5 for both the numerator and denominator. If that's not sufficient, you can also create your own custom model.

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