fprintf function for structuring element

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Caleb 2013년 3월 18일
I'm working on a GUI that outputs user commands to a script file, and I've run into an issue programming the structuring element for performing morphological operations. As it stands, I construct the structuring element by allowing the user to choose the shape and the values for radius, length, or whatever, so the structuring element looks something like:
se = strel('disk',5);
However, I can't output that statement to the script using fprintf because it's a mix of character values and numerical values. So, how can this be done?

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Cedric 2013년 3월 18일
편집: Cedric 2013년 3월 18일
fid = fopen ('script.txt', 'a') ;
disk = 5 ; % Defined form user input.
fprintf(fid, 'se = strel(''disk'', %g);\n', disk) ;
square = 7 ; % Defined form user input.
fprintf(fid, 'se = strel(''square'', %g);\n', square) ;
% You could also have the shape given as a string from some drop-down and
% use it as in ..
shape = 'triangle' ; % Defined from drop-down.
value = 5 ;
fprintf(fid, 'se = strel(''%s'', %g);\n', shape, value) ;
% ...
fclose(fid) ;
  댓글 수: 9
Cedric 2013년 3월 19일
편집: Cedric 2013년 3월 19일
Actually if you perform
se = strel('disk',5);
img = imdilate(img, se);
what you want to do in order to save these "commands" to file is:
fprintf(fid, 'se = strel(''disk'',5);\n') ;
fprintf(fid, 'img = imdilate(img, se);\n') ;
If you had the shape defined by some control in your GUI and saved in a string variable named shape, you could do the following:
fprintf(fid, 'se = strel(''%s'',5);\n', shape) ;
fprintf(fid, 'img = imdilate(img, se);\n') ;
In any case, you want the string 'se' to be in the format of FPRINTF, and not the output of disp(se), as it is the se that will be created when the saved script will be run that must be passed to IMDILATE, and not "some representation" of the current se.
Caleb 2013년 3월 19일
That will probably work. Good Call.

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