Compiler cannot find "tmwtypes.h"

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Kenong 2011년 5월 3일
[EDIT: Thu May 12 22:23:56 UTC 2011 Duplicate Removed - MKF]
I tried to deploy a MATLAB shared library on a Linux computer. When I compiled my C code on the linux computer, I got this strange error.
/opt/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v714/extern/include/matrix.h(293): catastrophic error: could not open source file "tmwtypes.h" #include tmwtypes.h ^
maxtrix.h and tmwtypes.h are in the same folder. I am using x86-64 with suse linux
Does anyone know what the problem this is?
  댓글 수: 2
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2011년 5월 4일
What is the exact compiler command that you use? Also, have you tried the documentation example ( Are you able to compile this as expected?
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2011년 5월 4일
Also, please delete the duplicate question you posted at

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채택된 답변

Martijn 2011년 5월 12일
Note that matrix.h has the following include line:
#include <tmwtypes.h>
So that is with <> brackets and not "" double quotes, or in other words the compiler will look for the file in your include directories and not in the same/current directory. To resolve this add the extern/include directory to your include path, for example by using the -I (capital i) switch in your call to gcc/g++.

추가 답변 (1개)

Jason Ross
Jason Ross 2011년 5월 3일
These are header files, so they should be just text. Can you open them in a text editor? If you can't, check the permissions on the files. Also, check ownership if you are performing this operation under a different user context.
After that, check your environment and make sure that directory can be found during compilation.
  댓글 수: 2
Kenong 2011년 5월 3일
The compiler can find "matrix.h" which is in the same folder as "tmwtypes.h". The folder can be found during compilation. I can open tmwtypes.h with an editor. There is no permission issue.
Jason Ross
Jason Ross 2011년 5월 4일
Are the ls -l outputs the same?
Any differences in capitalization?
Otherwise, Kaustubha's questions are very valid.

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