Can recognize what distance is this ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Kamil Kacer
Kamil Kacer 2020년 11월 13일
댓글: Kamil Kacer 2020년 11월 13일
Can anyone explain me what does this code do,
Could it be the after first if is calculated euclodean distance and in else there is second distance called mahalanobis distance ?

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 11월 13일
The clue is in the name of the variable: useL1Distance . If it is true, then the L1 norm is used, which is also called "taxi-cab distance".
If it is false, then the L2 norm is used, which is also called Euclidean distance.
Neither branch has anything to do with maholonobis distance.
  댓글 수: 4
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 11월 13일
d{i} = pdist2(F{i}.', testSample, 'mahalanobis');
Kamil Kacer
Kamil Kacer 2020년 11월 13일
Thank you it worked iam assuming it calculates the distance between testsample and every audio segment F in the dataset a stores it into d
Iam I right ?

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추가 답변 (1개)

Kamil Kacer
Kamil Kacer 2020년 11월 13일
I have this function where iam clyssifing a sample and i just want to another distance based on which is the sample classified
I have euclidean and I want to add mahalanobis as you showed me. but it doesnt work any suggestions please.
function [Ps, winnerClass] = classifyKNN_D_Multi(F, testSample, k, NORMALIZE, useL1distance )
% function [Ps, winnerClass] = classifyKNN_D_Multi(F, testSample, k, NORMALIZE, useL1distance);
% This function is used for classifying an unknown sample using the kNN
% algorithm, in its multi-class form.
% - F: an CELL array that contains the feature values for each class. I.e.,
% F{1} is a matrix of size numOfDimensions x numofSamples FOR THE FIRST
% CLASS, etc.
% - testSample: the input sample to be classified
% - k: the kNN parameter
% - NORMALIZE: use class priors to weight results
% - useL1distance: use L1 instead of L2 distance
% - Ps: an array that contains the classification probabilities for each class
% - winnerClass: the label of the winner class
error( nargchk(4,5,nargin) )
if ( nargin < 5 )
useL1distance = false;
numOfClasses = length(F);
if (size(testSample, 2)==1)
testSample = testSample';
% initilization of distance vectors:
numOfDims = zeros( 1, numOfClasses );
numOfTrainSamples = zeros( 1, numOfClasses );
d = cell(numOfClasses,1);
% d{i} is a vector, whose elements represent the distance of the testing
% sample from all the samples of i-th class
testSample(isnan(testSample)) = 0.0;
for i=1:numOfClasses
[ numOfDims(i), numOfTrainSamples(i) ] = size( F{i} );
d{i} = inf*ones(max(numOfTrainSamples), 1); % we fill it with inf values
F{i}(isnan(F{i})) = 0.0;
if (length(testSample)>1)
for i=1:numOfClasses % for each class:
if (numOfTrainSamples(i)>0)
if ( useL1distance )
d{i} = sum( abs(repmat(testSample, [numOfTrainSamples(i) 1]) - F{i}'),2); % L1
%[size(repmat(testSample, [numOfTrainSamples(i) 1])) size(F{i}')]
% d{i} = sum( ((repmat(testSample, [numOfTrainSamples(i) 1]) - F{i}').^2 ),2); % L2
d{i} = pdist(testSample, F{i}, 'mahalanobis');
d{i} = sort(d{i});
d{i}(end+1:max(numOfTrainSamples)) = inf;
d{i} = inf;
else % single dimension (NO SUM required!!!)
for i=1:numOfClasses
if (numOfTrainSamples(i)>0)
d{i} = (abs(repmat(testSample, [numOfTrainSamples(i) 1]) - F{i}')');
d{i} = sort(d{i});
d{i}(end+1:max(numOfTrainSamples)) = inf;
d{i} = inf;
kAll = zeros(numOfClasses, 1);
for j=1:k
curArray = zeros(numOfClasses, 1);
for i=1:numOfClasses
curArray(i) = d{i}(kAll(i)+1);
[MIN, IMIN] = min(curArray);
kAll(IMIN) = kAll(IMIN) + 1;
if ( NORMALIZE == 0 )
Ps = (kAll ./ k);
Ps = kAll ./ numOfTrainSamples';
Ps = Ps / sum(Ps);
[MAX, IMAX] = max(Ps);
winnerClass = IMAX;
  댓글 수: 1
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2020년 11월 13일
Please don't answer your question with a followup question.

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