Here are some more results when A, B (on CPU), AA, BB (on GPU) are rand(5000):
>> tic;fft(A);toc;
Elapsed time is *0.117189 *seconds.
>> tic;fft(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is 1.062969 seconds.
>> tic;fft(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is 0.542242 seconds.
>> tic;fft(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is *0.229773* seconds.
>> tic;fft(AA);toc;
Bold times are stable times. However GPU is almost twice slower. By the way, why GPU is even more slower on first two attempts? Is it compiled twice firstly?
In addition:
>> tic;sin(A);toc;
Elapsed time is *0.121008* seconds.
>> tic;sin(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is 0.020448 seconds.
>> tic;sin(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is 0.157209 seconds.
>> tic;sin(AA);toc;
Elapsed time is *0.000419 *seconds
After two calculations GPU is incredibly faster in sin calculations.
So, still, why GPU is so slow in matrix division, fft and similar calculations, though it is so fast in matrix multiplication and trigonometry? The question actually should not be like that... GPU should be faster in all these calculations because Matlab has released overlapped functions (mldivide, fft) for GPU.
Could somebody help me solve these issues, please? :)