dataset ismember error message

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
jonas 2013년 2월 13일
Hi I get this error trying to use ismember on two datasets, please advise?
Undefined function 'eq' for input arguments of type 'dataset'.
Error in ismember>ismemberlegacy (line 347)
tf = (a == s);
Error in ismember (line 76)
[varargout{1:nlhs}] = ismemberlegacy(varargin{:});
ds =
bil motor vvx cyl
'v70' 'b234' 'aut' 4
'v60' 'b234' 'man' 6
's80' 'b326' 'man' 6
's80' 'b326' 'man' 6
's80' 'b326' 'man' 6
'v70' 'b234' 'aut' 4
'v70' 'b234' 'aut' 4
ds_raw =
bil motor vvx cyl
'v70' 'b234' 'aut' 4
'v60' 'b234' 'man' 6
's80' 'b326' 'man' 6
's80' 'b234' 'aut' 4
'v70' 'b326' 'man' 4
'v70' 'c325' 'man' 4
  댓글 수: 5
the cyclist
the cyclist 2013년 2월 14일
Just as a point of information, Sean's command worked for me, using R2012b.
jonas 2013년 2월 14일
Is it a R2012a problem then?

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채택된 답변

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013년 2월 14일
ismember overloaded for datasets appears to be new in 12b. If your company/university is current on your SMS subscription you can upgrade for free.
  댓글 수: 3
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013년 2월 14일
Either log into your account on and download it or talk to your IT people who manage the license.
(Or call us :), most of the people here don't bite!)
jonas 2013년 2월 15일
Ok, thank you for answering my question!! :)

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