Preallocation of data

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc 2011년 4월 26일
Hi, I have a code which stated it suggest to preallocate to consider speed. I have a incoming data and I stored as received. Here is the code:
file= [file received];
How can I preallocate the file when I m receiving? The formation of data should look like file =01010101010101010101010101010000.........
How can i do that?

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2011년 4월 26일
Is this just the same question you have asked twice before? If not, you need to include more code. For example, pre-allocation works when used in a loop, yet I see no loop in what you have posted above. Post the code of the loop where you are doing the concatenation.
EDIT In response to your comments below...
Yes, I built the array by column, but then reshaped it to a row vector. You get what you want, and this is faster than some complex indexing scheme into C. Just try it before you think it won't end up a row vector!
Idx = 1+5000*looptimes:last+5000*looptimes;
C = zeros(16,last); % Start out this way, fix in last line...
for ii = 1:length(Idx)
C(:,ii) = F((-15+16*(Idx(ii))):16*(Idx(ii)));
C = reshape(C,1,16*last); % Make into a row vector!!
  댓글 수: 9
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc 2011년 4월 27일
Hi Mr Matt, I have written this to replace it. However, I m not sure if the minus will minus the data correctly. For example, I have a file size of 6353. My data is divided to send 5000, and 1353(Remainder). However, if i wrote in this manner will it gives the 5000 that i wanted?
for i=1:length(Idk)
Is the (M-last) will gives the correct front 5000bits that I wanted?
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc 2011년 4월 27일
Hi mr matt, I think replace (M-last) with (5000*looptimes) will yield a better results. Thanks for your help.

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