Genetic Fuzzy Coding in Matlab

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Iksan Bukhori
Iksan Bukhori 2013년 2월 4일
답변: Kyle Rawding 2021년 3월 17일
Hi everyone, I'm a new member here so please forgive me if there is something wrong in this question.
I'm currently working on Genetic Algorithm optimization of Fuzzy Rule Base System, specifically auto generating Rules in Fuzzy control using GA. Could anyone provide me an example on how to code this in MATLAB?.
  댓글 수: 5
Gireesha Obulaporam
Gireesha Obulaporam 2017년 1월 30일
This provides Genetic Algorithm Toolbox to run Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB. You can download it and can go through the code. Please, explain the step-by-step in the coding. I was unable to understand it. For further details, you can communicate with me through the mail as
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 1월 30일
The gatoolbox came out of an extensive university research project, not produced by Mathworks. I doubt anyone here knows it well enough to explain it line by line. I do not even try to explain longer routines line by line, as I never know what level of detail is required. The people who have the experience to get by with an outline of the functioning are generally people who know how to ask specific questions about what they do not understand, so when someone asks for a line by line explanation without saying what they do understand, I feel that I am being asked to write the equivalent of a book explaining how programming works.

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답변 (1개)

Kyle Rawding
Kyle Rawding 2021년 3월 17일
Hi -
Not sure if this answers your question, but here's a doc page outlining how the tunefis function can be used to tune a Fuzzy Logic System, including using genetic algorithm optimization.
Hope that helps,


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