Installing/creating path for Matlab reservoir simulation toolbox

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Colton 2013년 2월 1일
답변: micheal marembo 2020년 1월 9일
I am fairly new to MATLAB. I heard the best way to learn MATLAB is to have a project and pursue it. I am an oil student and want to learn MATLABs reservoir simulator, but I can't figure how to install it correctly.
I have installed the mrst-2012b package and hopefully set a correct path for matlab to read the startup.m file upon open, but nothing happens when reopening MATLAB! I think there is suppose to be a toolbox or something?
I guess, essentially, I want to create a path for the mrst-2012b folder and began to use the matlab reservoir simulator, mrst.
I have Matlab 7.12 (R2011a)

채택된 답변

Bård Skaflestad
Bård Skaflestad 2013년 4월 25일
I am one of the authors of MRST (the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox).
I suppose the word "toolbox" is somewhat misleading in this case. The package isn't a traditional toolbox in the sense of a product provided by The MathWorks. In particular, it does not integrate at all with the central directories of your MATLAB installation. In principle you can put MRST anywhere you like.
To activate the package you need to run the
function which is located in MRST's top-level directory. If you are on Linux or Unix, function startup runs automatically if you start MATLAB from the directory in which it is located. Otherwise, it is easiest to change your working directory, possibly temporarily, to MRST's top-level directory and type
on the MATLAB command line. If you are looking for a more automated solution, I suggest creating a shortcut in the Desktop that invokes MRST's startup through MATLAB's built-in run function.
  댓글 수: 1
Bård Skaflestad
Bård Skaflestad 2013년 4월 25일
Oh, and I should add that the MRST developers don't usually follow Answers looking for questions about MRST. If you need to ask about MRST you should use one of the addresses listed on the MRST website.

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추가 답변 (2개)

SAEED UR REHMAN 2018년 1월 24일
I am using MRST in matlab ..All the Module are working perfectly but i am working on the Module " ENKF" and it is not working , show errors in the functions, variables...please guide me how to run ENKF Module in MRST MATLAB.
  댓글 수: 1
Camilo Malagon Nieto
Camilo Malagon Nieto 2018년 5월 31일
ENKF module on MRST is not supported by SINTEF as it is a development by a partner research institute in Netherlands.
You could email for more details.
But most likely you will have to troubleshoot the code to suit your needs.

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micheal marembo
micheal marembo 2020년 1월 9일
I am inquiring how to have "distmesh_2D" and "linesegmentintersect" installed in the matlab path. I tried to download them from the recommended websites and then copied them into the MRST matlab path but on opening hfm module especially the "checkdistmesh" and "checklinesegmentintersect" fucntions still indicate that I haven't installed the two. Could you kindly guide me on how to ensure "hfm" and or "dfm" modules run successfully. How do i install them in matlab path. The problem is highlighted below. Thank you
Error using checkDistmesh (line 52)
You do not have the distmesh_2d.m file installed!
Please download it from Distmesh 2D and install it in your MATLAB path.
If you already have it installed somewhere but not on your path, use
mrstModule('add', <path-to-distmesh_2d.m>)
to make it available for MRST.
>> checkLineSegmentIntersect
Error using checkLineSegmentIntersect (line 52)
You do not have the lineSegmentIntersect.m file installed!
Please download it from File Exchange and install it in your MATLAB path.
If you already have it installed somewhere but not on your path, use
mrstModule('add', <path-to-lineSegmentIntersect.m>)


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