how to obtain the number of lines starting with a given string from an external text file and save the numeric value of variables of those lines
조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I have an external text file. A part of the text file (example) is shown below:
How can I :
-Obtain the number of lines starting with "DRL" and save it to the variable pnumber. In this case pnumber=3
-save the value of those variables in the vector A, in my example A =[1;2;4]
I thank you in advance for any help,
Best regards,
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Sudheer Bhimireddy
2020년 9월 28일
Another approach:
data = readtable('test.txt'); % test.txt contains the given text
drl_count = sum(strcmp(data.Var1,'DRL'));
drl_value = data.Var2(strcmp(data.Var1,'DRL'));
>> drl_count =
drl_value =
댓글 수: 7
Sudheer Bhimireddy
2020년 9월 29일
I would say first, try fopen with the .lgw and if it didn't work then convert to txt file.
Try this:
file_ID = fopen('data2.txt','rt'); % Opens file in text mode
% Number of lines to read
nLine_limit = 8;
% Pre-allocate
data{nLine_limit,1} = 0;
nLine = 1;
% Read first few lines based on nLine_limit
while nLine <= nLine_limit
data{nLine,1} = fgetl(file_ID); % Read the entire line
nLine = nLine + 1;
% Filter out the lines with DRL in them and get their indices
drl_Line_Mask = ~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(data,'DRL','match'));
% Seperate all DRL lines
drl_data = data(drl_Line_Mask);
% Split the cells based on '='
drl_split = regexp(drl_data,'=','split');
% Count number of lines with DRL
drl_count = numel(drl_split);
% Pre-allocate
drl_value(drl_count,1) = nan;
for i=1:size(drl_split)
drl_value(i,:) = str2double(drl_split{i,1}{1,2});
추가 답변 (1개)
Ameer Hamza
2020년 9월 28일
편집: Ameer Hamza
2020년 9월 28일
Try this
f = fileread('data.txt');
lines = textscan(f, '%s');
lines = lines{1};
idx = cellfun(@(x) x(1)=='/', lines);
lines(idx) = [];
pnumber = numel(lines);
A = cellfun(@(x) sscanf(x, 'DRL=%d'), lines);
data.txt is attached.
댓글 수: 2
Ameer Hamza
2020년 9월 28일
Have you placed the file data.txt in that folder? data.txt should contain the text in the question.
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