error:All functions in a script must be closed with an 'end'.( kindly see the code and help me to remove the error)

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
close all
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
function [P] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo)
gamma = atan2 (yo, xo);
d = sqrt ( xo * xo + yo * yo);
thetanew = theta-alpha;
snew = s- d * cos ( gamma-theta);
% use translated/rotated values
s = snew;
theta = thetanew;
% fi nd a ^ 2 (theta)
ct = cos (theta);
st = sin (theta);
a2 = A * A * ct * ct + B * B * st * st;
atheta = sqrt (a2);
% return value if outside ellipse
P = 0;
if ( abs (s) <= atheta )
% inside ellipse
P = 2 * rho * A * B / a2 * sqrt (a2-s * s);
function [projmat, svals, thetavals] = ...
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo)
thetamin = 0;
thetamax = pi ;
% each row is a projection at a certain angle
projmat = zeros (ntheta, ns);
smin = -srange;
smax = srange;
dtheta = pi /(ntheta-1);
ds = (smax-smin)/(ns- 1);
svals = smin:ds:smax;
thetavals = thetamin:dtheta:thetamax;
pn = 1;
for theta = thetavals
% calculate all points on the projection line
P = zeros (ns, 1);
ip = 1;
for s = svals
% simple ellipse
[p] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo);
P(ip) = p;
ip = ip + 1;
% save projection as one row of matrix
projmat(pn, :) = P';
pn = pn + 1;
function [b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals)
ntheta = length (thetavals);
ns = length (svals);
srange = svals(ns);
b = zeros (H, W);
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
x = 2 * (ix-1)/(W-1)-1;
y = 1-2 * (iy-1)/(H-1);
% projmat is the P values, each row is P(s) for a given theta
bsum = 0;
for itheta = 1:ntheta
theta = thetavals(itheta);
s = x * cos (theta) + y * sin (theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange * 2) * (ns-1) + 1;
is = round (is);
if (is < 1)
is = 1;
if (is > ns)
is = ns;
b(iy, ix) = bsum;
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% generate projections
[projmat, svals, thetavals] = ...
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo);
% solve using backprojection
[b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals);
% scale for image display
b = b/ max ( max (b));
b = b * 255;
bi = uint8(b);
s = x * cos (theta) + y * sin (theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange * 2) * (ns-1) + 1;
figure (1);
image (bi);
colormap ( gray (256));
box ('on');
axis ('off');

답변 (2개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020년 9월 24일
Like it said, if you're going to tack on functions to a script, you need to end/finish each function definition with a line of code that says "end":
% Start of script:
close all
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% End of script.
% Now define functions below this.
% Each function must have "end" as its final line of code!!!
function [P] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo)
gamma = atan2 (yo, xo);
d = sqrt ( xo * xo + yo * yo);
thetanew = theta-alpha;
snew = s- d * cos ( gamma-theta);
% use translated/rotated values
s = snew;
theta = thetanew;
% fi nd a ^ 2 (theta)
ct = cos (theta);
st = sin (theta);
a2 = A * A * ct * ct + B * B * st * st;
atheta = sqrt (a2);
% return value if outside ellipse
P = 0;
if ( abs (s) <= atheta )
% inside ellipse
P = 2 * rho * A * B / a2 * sqrt (a2-s * s);
function [projmat, svals, thetavals] = ...
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo)
thetamin = 0;
thetamax = pi ;
% each row is a projection at a certain angle
projmat = zeros (ntheta, ns);
smin = -srange;
smax = srange;
dtheta = pi /(ntheta-1);
ds = (smax-smin)/(ns- 1);
svals = smin:ds:smax;
thetavals = thetamin:dtheta:thetamax;
pn = 1;
for theta = thetavals
% calculate all points on the projection line
P = zeros (ns, 1);
ip = 1;
for s = svals
% simple ellipse
[p] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo);
P(ip) = p;
ip = ip + 1;
% save projection as one row of matrix
projmat(pn, :) = P';
pn = pn + 1;
function [b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals)
ntheta = length (thetavals);
ns = length (svals);
srange = svals(ns);
b = zeros (H, W);
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
x = 2 * (ix-1)/(W-1)-1;
y = 1-2 * (iy-1)/(H-1);
% projmat is the P values, each row is P(s) for a given theta
bsum = 0;
for itheta = 1:ntheta
theta = thetavals(itheta);
s = x * cos (theta) + y * sin (theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange * 2) * (ns-1) + 1;
is = round (is);
if (is < 1)
is = 1;
if (is > ns)
is = ns;
b(iy, ix) = bsum;
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% generate projections
[projmat, svals, thetavals] = ...
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo);
% solve using backprojection
[b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals);
% scale for image display
b = b/ max ( max (b));
b = b * 255;
bi = uint8(b);
s = x * cos (theta) + y * sin (theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange * 2) * (ns-1) + 1;
figure (1);
image (bi);
colormap ( gray (256));
box ('on');
axis ('off');

James Tursa
James Tursa 2020년 9월 24일
편집: James Tursa 2020년 9월 24일
Looks like maybe this
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
should be just this
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
Side Note: This would be a lot easier to read and debug if you did some simple formatting, like inserting blank lines before and after each function, and indenting all of your loops and if-blocks.


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