markers not getting joined in plot

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Sumera Yamin
Sumera Yamin 2020년 8월 27일
댓글: Steven Lord 2020년 8월 27일
I came across strange problem in matlab, i did a simple line plot using following code in a loop. i want to draw the line joining the markers. in principal it ishing , but the plot is just showing markers not joined by the line. I also t style property seperately, but did not work. Wonder what is preventing matlab to draw the line in plot
  댓글 수: 4
Stephen23 2020년 8월 27일
편집: Stephen23 2020년 8월 27일
"I wonder if something is preventing plot command to draw a line."
Your code. My guess is that you are plotting scalar values in a loop, which will show individual markers unconnected by a line.
If you want to have markers joined by lines then you must provide plot with vectors/matrices of data.
In the unlikely event that you really are calling plot just once then please click the paperclip button to upload the exact data vectors/matrices that you call it with, all saved in one .mat file. And show us the exact code used.
Sumera Yamin
Sumera Yamin 2020년 8월 27일
편집: Sumera Yamin 2020년 8월 27일
i see your point. It is true, i am plotting scalar values in a loop. Many thanks for your answer. @ Stephen, i am not getting the option to accept your answer

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채택된 답변

Stephen23 2020년 8월 27일
편집: Stephen23 2020년 8월 27일
You are plotting scalar values in a loop, which will show individual markers unconnected by a line.
If you want to have markers joined by lines then you must provide plot with vectors/matrices of data.
In practice this means
  • within the loop use indexing to add the data to a vector/matrix,
  • after the loop call plot once with that complete vector/matrix.
  댓글 수: 2
Sumera Yamin
Sumera Yamin 2020년 8월 27일
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020년 8월 27일
Another alternative would be to create an animatedline before the loop and addpoints to it inside the loop.
axis([0 360 -1 1]);
h = animatedline;
for x = 0:360
addpoints(h, x, sind(x))
drawnow expose
You can specify property values for animatedline like Marker, LineStyle, Color, etc. when you create it.

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추가 답변 (1개)

KSSV 2020년 8월 27일
hold on
  댓글 수: 2
Sumera Yamin
Sumera Yamin 2020년 8월 27일
thanks, tried this. doesnt help
KSSV 2020년 8월 27일
편집: KSSV 2020년 8월 27일
x = 1:10 ;
y = rand(size(x)) ;
Show the output.

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