my root locus plot wont show the datatip

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
Zain Ahmed
Zain Ahmed 2020년 8월 25일
답변: Ahmad 2024년 1월 8일
i have a root locus plot here:
k = 1;
s = tf('s');
Gs = 1/(s^2+s);
Ks = k*(s+2)/(s+10);
sys = Gs*Ks/(1+Gs*Ks);
But the problem is that, whenever i click on the line, the data won't display, just x and y coordinate. is there any fix to this?

답변 (2개)

Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert 2020년 8월 28일
Hi Zain,
I assume that you are using the MATLAB live editor for root locus plot. This is a known issue, it is reported to the developers and the concerned people are looking into it.
One known workaround is to:
1. Create the root locus plot with either 'rlocus' command or the 'rlocusplot' command from a MATLAB script file or the command line.
2. Then use data cursor to examine various points of the root locus plot.
Kiran Felix Robert
  댓글 수: 7
Henry Asa
Henry Asa 2023년 4월 12일
Any estimates/updates on when this will be fixed? I prefer using live scripts but this functionality is critical.
sihan zhang
sihan zhang 2023년 5월 5일
편집: sihan zhang 2023년 5월 5일
still not working on the R2022b version

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Ahmad 2024년 1월 8일
clear all;clf;
numerator = [1 4];
denominator = [1 8 7 0];
sys = tf(numerator, denominator);
grid on;
title('Root-Locus L(s) = s+4/s^3+8s^2+7s')


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