Make equation in Curve Fitting tool

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
haeyeon JI
haeyeon JI 2020년 8월 25일
답변: Divija Aleti 2020년 8월 31일
I used the Curve Fitting tool to plot the relationship between x, y and z.
Could I get the equation corresponding to the graph above?
  댓글 수: 2
dpb 2020년 8월 25일
Use the "Save" feature and then the fit object will be copied into the workspace and you can query it for properties. See the doc on postprocessing for the methods/properties...
Alex Sha
Alex Sha 2020년 8월 25일
How about the equation below:
z = p1*exp(p2/x+p3*y)+p4+p5*x*y;
Root of Mean Square Error (RMSE): 0.157691882577852
Sum of Squared Residual: 0.870335544083149
Correlation Coef. (R): 0.9793870899808
R-Square: 0.95919907202106
Adjusted R-Square: 0.955250595119872
Parameter Best Estimate
---------- -------------
p1 100030.165298487
p2 -66.5201897439939
p3 -0.0404908844574984
p4 -0.331541416588136
p5 0.00106610586563368

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답변 (1개)

Divija Aleti
Divija Aleti 2020년 8월 31일
As Alex stated, it will be possible to tune the parameters of a predefined model, for example, by using ‘poly23’ fittype, to fit a curve through given data and get the output equation.
Have a look at the following link for possible ways to fit a curve or surface to data:


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