It is possible to read the graph and it has to produce the Y value for my input X value.
조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
This is what my program to create a graph.. now i want to read the graph and it has to produce the y value for my input x value. is there any syntax for that?
j=input('Enter the number of straight lines in the graph: ');
for i=1:j
disp('Enter the X Y co-ordinate of one end of the straight line:');
x1(i)=input(' ');
y1(i)=input(' ');
disp('Enter the X Y co-ordinate of another of the straight line:');
x2(i)=input(' ');
y2(i)=input(' ');
c(i)=input('Enter the Y-intercept for straight line: ');
for i=1:j
hold on;
%axis([-10 10 -5 5])
disp('your graph is displayed');
disp('Enter the X value from your graph: ');
p=input(' ');
disp('Corresponding Y is: ');
댓글 수: 2
채택된 답변
Davide Ferraro
2013년 1월 3일
Why are you asking two (x,y) values for a line and then also the intercept? Given two points you are able to calculate both m and c. And that point you will have the equation y of your line that you can evaluate to find the corresponding Y.
If you have more lines you may consider including and IF-ELSE statement, check what is the X value, associate it to the corresponding equation and then evaluate the equation. As Walter pointed out you may have multiple Y values, you may prevent this by checking that the user is using different X ranges when creating the curves.
댓글 수: 0
추가 답변 (1개)
Dr. Seis
2013년 1월 3일
편집: Dr. Seis
2013년 1월 3일
Disregarding the fact that you can determine your c value from your m value, x1 value, and y1 value (or m, x2 and y2)... I think the syntax you are looking for (following your current syntax) is something like:
new_y = ... ; % Determine new y value for input x value
disp(sprintf('Corresponding Y is: %f',new_y));
댓글 수: 0
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