Efficient way to fill vector values from another vector

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
RoJo 2011년 4월 19일
Sorry for a similar topic to my last question, but I am finding it difficult to think outside loops.
Given 2 vectors, one signal and one values, I would like to produce a 3rd output vector which replaces the zeros of the signal input with the value of the previous corresponding 1.
For example in the sample inputs below, the first two 0's are given with 45, which is the value corresponding to the first 1 after these zeros. Each 1 will have it's corresponding value
inputSignal = [1;0;0;1;1;1;0;1]; inputTargets = [34;46;54;45;34;22;12;34]; retTargets = [34;45;45;45;34;22;34;34];
I have made various attempts and the following is the fastest I can get it over large input vectors. I got the strfind function from a previous post, but I cannot find a way to do the fill without the for loop. It works fine, but I am wondering if there is a neater vectorized way. I have used find() in a loop but this is very slow.
inputSignal = [1;0;0;1;1;1;0;1];
inputTargets = [34;46;54;45;34;22;12;34];
rollingTargets = flipud(inputTargets);
rollingTargets1 = rollingTargets;
retTargets = rollingTargets;
%Find the 1's
a = strfind([flipud(inputSignal)' 0], [1 0]);
b = a(2:end);
%Fill the zeros
for i=1:size(b, 2)
rollingTargets(a(i):b(i)) = rollingTargets1(a(i));
rollingTargets(a(i+1):end) = rollingTargets1(a(end));
%fill the 1's
retTargets = flipud(rollingTargets);
c = find(inputSignal);
retTargets(c) = inputTargets(c);

채택된 답변

Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala 2011년 4월 19일
Sometimes the answer is simpler than you think:
retTargets = inputSignal.*inputTargets;
for n = numel(retTargets)-1:-1:1
if retTargets(n) == 0
retTargets(n) = retTargets(n+1);
  댓글 수: 3
RoJo 2011년 4월 20일
Thanks. I was hoping to do it without loops or if's in case my vector sizes grow alot (just because of what I have read about loop performance on the forums). But it is tidy and quicker than my attempt for my vector size at the moment.
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011년 4월 20일
If you preallocate properly (as done here), loops can be faster in many cases.

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추가 답변 (2개)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2011년 4월 19일
old variant
p1 = flipud(inputTargets);
ne = diff(find(diff([~p(1); p(:); ~p(end)]))); %idea by Walter Roberson
np = length(p);
I = (1:np).';
Ifirst = I([true; diff(p)~=0]); % idea by Matt Fig
z = p(Ifirst)==0;
if z(1) , z(1)=0; end
Nums = p1(Ifirst(z)-1);
Cns = mat2cell(I,ne,1);
p1(cat(1,Cns{z}) ) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x,y)x*ones(y,1),num2cell(Nums),num2cell(ne(z)), 'UniformOutput', false));
outTargets = reshape(flipud(p1),size(inputTargets));

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011년 4월 19일
Two alternative methods which use the rude
[len,val] = rude(inputSignal);
newval(inputSignal == 1) = find(inputSignal);
cumlen = cumsum(len)+1;
idx = ~val;
newval(inputSignal == 0) = rude(len(idx),cumlen(idx));
retTargets = inputTargets(newval);
retTargets(logical(inputSignal)) = inputTargets(logical(inputSignal));
[len, val] = rude(retTargets);
idx = val == 0;
val(idx) = val(find(idx) + 1);
retTargets = rude(len,val);


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