Trying to save the red positions of an image
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I'm trying to save all the position's of an image with red color.
im = imread('image.png');
locations = find(im(:,:,1) == 36)
This code is giving me an empty array. Why this is happening? How can I fix it?
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Image Analyst
2020년 8월 7일
Oliver, this works:
rgbImage = imread('image.png');
subplot(1, 2, 1);
impixelinfo; % Let's you mouse around and see rgb values.
% Split image into components:
[r, g, b] = imsplit(rgbImage);
% Red spots are r=237, g=28, b=36.
% Get red mask
redMask = r > 200 & g < 50 & b < 50;
subplot(1, 2, 2);
% Get rows and columns where the red pixels are
[redRows, redColumns] = find(redMask)
redRows and redColumns are paired row,column coordinates for each pixel that is red in the image, in column-major order. Not sure what you're going to do with that, but there you have it.
댓글 수: 2
Image Analyst
2020년 8월 7일
You have an old version. Try this
r = rgbImage(:, :, 1);
g = rgbImage(:, :, 2);
b = rgbImage(:, :, 3);
추가 답변 (1개)
Sudheer Bhimireddy
2020년 8월 7일
Does your image has that Red value? Double-check it.
To test your code, follow this example.
A = imread('ngc6543a.jpg'); % Read MATLAB example figure
A_read = A(:,:,1); % Read Red channel
A_ind = find(A_read == 36); % Find non-zeros where the value is equal to 36
A_sz = size(A_read);
[A_row,A_col] = ind2sub(A_sz,A_ind); % Convert linear indices to matrix subscripts
If you change the above find statement to
A_ind = find(A_read == 3600);
you will get an empty A_ind array because there exists no such value inside A_read.
댓글 수: 10
Sudheer Bhimireddy
2020년 8월 7일
To understand that, you need to understand the way image color data is stored in MATLAB.
For an RGB image, if you are storing the pixel values in a [m,n,3] array; where m and n gives the size of the image. If you are storing them in unit8 format, they can varry from [0 255] and if you store them in double format they varry from [0 1].
Now, lets say pixel at index (10,10) in your image is filled with red alone, then the corresponding cell values will be (in unit8 format)
(10,10,1) = 255;
(10,10,2) = 0;
(10,10,3) = 0;
Similarly if it is filled with blue alone, they will have values
(10,10,1) = 0;
(10,10,2) = 0;
(10,10,3) = 255;
So, the first channel of the image contains the amount of Red color on a scale of [0 255] at each pixel.
참고 항목
Help Center 및 File Exchange에서 Convert Image Type에 대해 자세히 알아보기
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