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Graph two curves together (datetime format and double format)

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ana Soph
Ana Soph 2020년 8월 5일
댓글: Ana Soph 2020년 8월 6일
Hi, thank you so much for reading me, i am using matlab 2019a, and i have this problem, i want to graph a function of curvefitting with my original curve, but i can't for this error that appears (attach photo) , i want the two graphs together .......
thank you so much for your valious time
tEnersol=readtable('solar.xlsx','sheet','EneDics'); % read into a table object
tEnersol.Properties.VariableNames={'Rad','Dia'}; % assign variable names
% yr=2014; % need the proper year
tEnersol.Date=datetime(yr,1,tEnersol.Dia); % and create a date column
hB=plot(tEnersol.Date,tEnersol.Rad, '.r'); hold on % bar plot against actual date
hAx=gca; % get axes handle...
xlim([datetime(2014,1,1) datetime(2014,12,12)]) % set limit to cover the full year
hAx.XAxis.TickLabelFormat='MM'; % show day of MONTH
% xticklabels(cellstr(tEnersol.Date(xticks))) % use the date string as tick labels
hAx.XTickLabelRotation=45; % rotate so can have chance to read...
xlabel('Mes del año, TMYE'), ylabel('Irradiancia solar máxima [KWh/m^2]');
a1= 2329
b1= 0.6522
c1= 0.95
a2= 1519
b2= 0.7781
c2= -2.545
d = (1:1:365);
w = a1.*sin(b1.*d+c1) + a2.*sin(b2.*d+c2)
plot(d,w,'.-b'); hold off

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 8월 5일
hB=plot(tEnersol.Date,tEnersol.Rad, '.r'); hold on % bar plot against actual date
That is the first plot in the axes, and it establishes that the x axes is to be based upon datetime values.
plot(d,w,'.-b'); hold off
Your d is not datetime values, just pure numbers. You cannot plot a pure number variable in an axes that is already a datetime axes. So...
D = datetime(yr, 1, d);
plot(D, w, '.-b')
  댓글 수: 10
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 8월 6일
text() or legend() to put the equation in. You will probably want to use 'Interpreter', 'latex'
Ana Soph
Ana Soph 2020년 8월 6일
ok, thank you so much !

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