- Have them use the axes toolbar. It already contains tools for zooming in and out.
- Have them enter the dates somehow, then use those to set the XLim properties of your axes
- Add 2 sliders, one that sets the min XLim value, and on to set the max XLim value
Making a GUI to zoom in on x-axis range
조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am looking to make a GUI where the user for this program can specify a range such as June to August and it will zoom in on that range? Is this possible? Any examples are appreaciated
댓글 수: 0
답변 (2개)
Cris LaPierre
2020년 8월 3일
편집: Cris LaPierre
2020년 8월 3일
A few options I can think of.
댓글 수: 0
Arthur Roué
2020년 8월 3일
Then refresh XLim property of your axes in uidatepicker ValueChangedFcn callback.
Here some lines to begin with
% Figure handle
hFig = uifigure()
% Axe handle
hAx = uiaxes(hFig, )
% Create date picker
hDatePicker = uidatepicker(hFig, 'ValueChangedFcn', @yourCallback);
function yourCallback(src, evt)
hAx.XLim = ..
댓글 수: 2
Arthur Roué
2020년 8월 3일
Any property that you want to change. Here see documentation uiaxes
hAxe = uiaxes(parent, 'Property', Value)
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