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How do I put all of the strcat outputs in the same cell array (group) without having the code rewrite over the last output over and over again?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hi, I'm trying to create a group of characters that has the month (in 3 letters) and the date. ex) Jan22, Feb23, Mar21
When I run this code, only the last output is saved under FileName. In this case, xxx01 is the last output, so that's what is saved under FileName.
I think the outputs keep on getting written on top of each other. It's my first time working with MATLAB, so I understand that my code might be unnecessarily long.
How do I put all of the strcat outputs in the same cell array (group) without having the code rewrite over the last output over and over again?
%set month and date vectors
month=['JanFebMarAprxxx']; %had to attach them bc k reads one alphabet as one column / xxx is bc MATLAB gives error message without it
max_date=[31 28 31 30];
%set constants
%month index (this reads one alphabet as one column)
%date starts from 1
%max_date index
%saving separate files as ex)"Jan22"
for i=18:24:3000
%i+24 cannot exceed 2378, so i needs to be less than 2355
%I didn't attach this file here, so please disregard this ---------------------------
%if i<2355
%This code should give outputs such as 'Jan01', 'Feb28', and so on
if q<10 %if the date is less than 10
save FileName %DataAdj
clear FileName %DataAdj
q=q+1; %increase last date by 1
elseif q<=max_date(m) %if the date is less or equal to the max date (ex. 31, 28, 31, 30)
save FileName %DataAdj
clear FileName %DataAdj
q=q+1; %increase last date by 1
q=1; %start date from 1 again
m=m+1; %max_date index increase by 1
%because there is no data after april, we have to limit k to k<4

답변 (1개)

Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati 2020년 7월 31일
You can simply concatenate the new String to Filename as follows each time while assigning. This gives a FileName concatenated with all the strings you create.
%set month and date vectors
month=['JanFebMarAprxxx']; %had to attach them bc k reads one alphabet as one column / xxx is bc MATLAB gives error message without it
max_date=[31 28 31 30];
FileName = [];
%set constants
%month index (this reads one alphabet as one column)
%date starts from 1
%max_date index
%saving separate files as ex)"Jan22"
for i=18:24:3000
%i+24 cannot exceed 2378, so i needs to be less than 2355
%I didn't attach this file here, so please disregard this ---------------------------
%if i<2355
%This code should give outputs such as 'Jan01', 'Feb28', and so on
if q<10 %if the date is less than 10
FileName=[FileName ,' ' ,strcat(month(k),month(k+1),month(k+2),'0',num2str(q))];
q=q+1; %increase last date by 1
elseif q<=max_date(m) %if the date is less or equal to the max date (ex. 31, 28, 31, 30)
FileName=[FileName ,' ', strcat(month(k),month(k+1),month(k+2),num2str(q))];
q=q+1; %increase last date by 1
q=1; %start date from 1 again
m=m+1; %max_date index increase by 1
%because there is no data after april, we have to limit k to k<4
result = split(FileName)
Later you can use split on FileName, to get all the values.
  댓글 수: 2
Jiwoo Seo
Jiwoo Seo 2020년 8월 1일
Hi, thank you for your help. But when I tried it, it doesn't work as the size of FileName changes on every loop iteration. Oddly, the group FileName doesn't even show up in the workspace. Could you please help me with this? Thank you!
Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati 2020년 8월 3일
I guess FileName doesn't show up since you are trying to clear the variable using 'clear'. Try removing 'clear' command and see.

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