saving matrix elements into array

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Bahareh 2011년 4월 18일
I have 9 matrices with size 500x2. I would like to save them into a 3x3 array; i.e. my first 500x2 matrix be the first element of my 3x3 matrix and so on. Can you please help me?

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Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2011년 4월 18일
You can use a cell array for this
X = cell(3,3)
X{1,1} = My500by2Matrix1 ;
% etc.
.. or use a 4D matrix
X = zeros(3,3,500,2) ;
X(1,1,:) = My500by2Matrix1 ;
% etc.
% and use squeeze to obtain a particular matrix

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