introduction to matlab I/O

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Richard 2012년 12월 19일
I have some files that collect high resolution acoustic measurements and I wish to import some of the information into matlab where I can perform some calculations. However, the files are compressed files (.000) which include some data and text describing the data, therefore using some of the read and write operations for matlab is rather daunting, therefore I was wondering if anyone had reference to a good introductory section on I/O, especially those that concentrate on reading through files and searching for relevant information prior to reading it into matlab.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 12월 19일
Do you have a complete description of the file format?
.000 is a file extension I would associate with a split archive, built using one of the older archivers (which one slips my mind at the moment.)

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답변 (1개)

Jothi 2012년 12월 19일
Go to help window in matlab
Search Contents->Functions->Data Import and Export
Its display all the I/O operations with example.


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