How to call data from a structure array?

조회 수: 86 (최근 30일)
Roxanne Esguerra
Roxanne Esguerra 2020년 7월 22일
댓글: Roxanne Esguerra 2020년 7월 23일
Hi, I need help.
I need to get these results [using the calls: experiments, experiments(2), and experiments(1).height]:
>> experiments
experiments =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> experiments(2)
ans =
num: 11
code = ‘t’
weights: [111.4500 111.1100]
height: [1x1 struct]
>> experiments(1).height
ans =
feet: 5
inches: 6
I have this code, but I really don't know how to call and display the results above, because using the calls just lead to errors. What must be missing in my code?
experiments(1).num = 33;
experiments(1).code = 'x';
experiments(1).weights.1 = 200.34;
experiments(1).weights.2 = 202.45;
experiments(1).height.feet = 5;
experiments(1).height.inches = 6;
experiments(2).num = 11;
experiments(2).code = 't';
experiments(2).weights.1 = 111.45;
experiments(2).weights.2 = 111.11;
experiments(2).height.feet = 7;
experiments(2).height.inches = 2;
I also tried this kind of arrangement/code...
experiments(1) = struct('num',33,'code','x','weights',struct('1',200.34,'2',202.45),'height',struct('feet',5,'inches',6))
experiments(2) = struct('num',11,'code','t','weights',struct('1',111.45,'2',111.11),'height',struct('feet',7,'inches',2))
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

채택된 답변

Arthur Roué
Arthur Roué 2020년 7월 22일
You cannot name a field with just numbers
% This is not a correct syntax
experiments(2).weights.1 = 111.45;
experiments(2).weights.2 = 111.11;
Fields, like variables in MATLAB, must start with a letter.
experiments(2).weights.W1 = 111.45;
experiments(2).weights.W2 = 111.11;
  댓글 수: 7
Arthur Roué
Arthur Roué 2020년 7월 22일
experiments is a structure and not a function.
When you write
in the command windows, it displays the content of experiments. As experiments is a strcture with 2 element, it only displays its fields.
Use functions disp or fprintf(1, 'my str') to display a field value in the command window
Roxanne Esguerra
Roxanne Esguerra 2020년 7월 23일
Thanks! I've figured it out. The script must be run first before typing the needed commands. Thank you so much :)

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