In MATLAB grader, how can I make assessments about a plot's marker shape or line width?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
In MATLAB grader, how can I make assessments about a plot's marker shape or line width?
I tried the 'keyword is present' option, but it only accepts 'plot'.
I want to check whether my students succeed changing the marker shape and line width.
Is there any method to compare and assess based on what i wrote for reference solution?
It works like this. If a student wrote the exact same code with me, he/she is passed, otherwise not.
Waiting for your advice!!!!

채택된 답변

Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020년 7월 22일
편집: Mehmed Saad 2020년 7월 22일
I dont have access to matlab grader but i think the following solution may work
add these two lines in your code template (after he plots) and lock them
M_sz = get(findobj(gca,'Type','Line'),'Marker');
L_wd = get(findobj(gca,'Type','Line'),'Linewidth');
then in assessment you can use assessVariableEqual to check Linewidth and marker
  댓글 수: 7
Hyunjee Yoon
Hyunjee Yoon 2020년 7월 24일
One last question!!
how can i get the info about the data?
For example, students submitted plot(A,B), and I want to check if they used correct dataset or not.
Waiting for your help!
Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020년 7월 24일
handle_line = findobj(gca,'Type','Line');
A_ploted = handle_line.XData;
B_ploted = handle_line.YData;
M_sz = handle_line.Marker;
L_wd = handle_line.LineWidth;

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