Selecting data points in 3D space

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Itzik Ben Shabat
Itzik Ben Shabat 2012년 12월 14일
댓글: KRush 2016년 5월 25일
Hi, I am plotting data points in 3d space. what i wish to do is allow a user to select a volume of interest. is there a function that allows to do this? I know that in 2d there are functions such as imrect() and inpolygon() that allow the user to draw a rectangle and then see which points are inside. is there a 3d equivalent to these functions?
  댓글 수: 1
KRush 2016년 5월 25일
For those who are seeking answers of the similar problems, using viewmtx to map 3d position [x y z] to 2d space is an option. Then you can solve the problem as in 2d coordinates.

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답변 (1개)

Jürgen 2012년 12월 14일
Hi, in file exchange there is a file to extract a Volume of Interest, do no if that can help? regards,J
  댓글 수: 3
Jürgen 2012년 12월 14일
I looked for the 3d version of inmrect when I saw your question but could not directly find something,
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012년 12월 14일
imrect() works in 3d but only along x/y

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