Error in sum of matrixes
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Dear Community,
I need to create a script where I obtain a matrix as an output. In addition, such matrix is a resultant matrix of the sum of 8 other matrixes. Unfortunately when I create the for loop it saves only the 8th matrix in the variable that I created to fulfill such requirement. Could you pelase help me?
close all
clear all
m = 5;
Z = randi(20,1,10);
n = size(Z,2);
Z_out = [Z;zeros(m-1,n)];
for ii=2:m
Z_out(ii,:) = Z_out(ii-1,:) + randi(5,1,n);
%% Copiando el sistema
Nplies = 8;
thetadt = [90; -45; 45; 0; 0; 45; -45; 90];
t = 0.125; %SI unit, milimeters
h = Nplies*t;
% Ply engineering properties (UD-Laminat)
E1 = 240000; % N/mm^2
nu12 = .3133 ;
E2 = 7500 ; % N/mm^2
G12 = 5150 ; % N/mm^2
nu21 = .3133 ; %nu12 * E2 / E1
a1 = -0.38e-7 ; % coefficients of thermal expansion [1/°C]
a2 = 1e-5 ;
deltaT = 0;
% Q matrix (material coordinates)- reduced stiffness matrix
denom = 1 - nu12 * nu21 ;
Q11 = E1 / denom ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
Q12 = nu12 * E1 / denom ;
Q21 = nu12 * E2 / denom ;%reduced stiffness coefficients
Q22 = E2 / denom ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
Q66 = G12 ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
m = 3;
Ai = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1];
Aii = zeros(3,3);
Qbari = zeros(3,3);
R = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,2];
Q = [ E1/denom nu12*E1/denom 0; nu12* E2/denom E2/denom 0; 0 0 G12]; %Reduced stiffness matrix
for i = 1:Nplies
theta = thetadt(i) * pi / 180;% ply i angle in radians, from bottom
c = cos(theta);
s = sin(theta);
T = [ c^2 s^2 -2*c*s; s^2 c^2 2*c*s; c*s -c*s (c^2 - s^2)];
T_inv = [c^2 s^2 c*s; s^2 c^2 -c*s; -2*c*s 2*c*s (c^2 - s^2)];
Qbar = Qbari + T * Q * T_inv %transformed reduced stiffness matrix
A{i,1,1} = Aii + Qbar*t
Af = A{1,1,1} + A{2,1,1} + A{3,1,1} + A{4,1,1} + A{5,1,1} + A{6,1,1} + A{7,1,1} + A{8,1,1}
%% another approach
for k=1:5
%if ii<2
% A=0;
% else
%transformed reduced stiffness matrix
% A = Aii + Qbar*(ii-1)*t
% end
댓글 수: 4
Image Analyst
2020년 7월 14일
Did you try the answer below? And why didn't you format your code like I suggested?
답변 (1개)
Rafael Hernandez-Walls
2020년 7월 14일
try this
Nplies = 8;
thetadt = [90; -45; 45; 0; 0; 45; -45; 90];
t = 0.125; %SI unit, milimeters
h = Nplies*t;
% Ply engineering properties (UD-Laminat)
E1 = 240000; % N/mm^2
nu12 = .3133 ;
E2 = 7500 ; % N/mm^2
G12 = 5150 ; % N/mm^2
nu21 = .3133 ; %nu12 * E2 / E1
a1 = -0.38e-7 ; % coefficients of thermal expansion [1/°C]
a2 = 1e-5 ;
deltaT = 0;
% Q matrix (material coordinates)- reduced stiffness matrix
denom = 1 - nu12 * nu21 ;
Q11 = E1 / denom ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
Q12 = nu12 * E1 / denom ;
Q21 = nu12 * E2 / denom ;%reduced stiffness coefficients
Q22 = E2 / denom ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
Q66 = G12 ; %reduced stiffness coefficients
m = 3;
Ai = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1];
Aii = zeros(3,3);
R = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,2];
Q = [ E1/denom nu12*E1/denom 0; nu12* E2/denom E2/denom 0; 0 0 G12]; %Reduced stiffness matrix
for i = 1:Nplies
theta = thetadt(i) * pi / 180;% ply i angle in radians, from bottom
c = cos(theta)
s = sin(theta)
T = [ c^2 s^2 -2*c*s; s^2 c^2 2*c*s; c*s -c*s (c^2 - s^2)]
T_inv = [c^2 s^2 c*s; s^2 c^2 -c*s; -2*c*s 2*c*s (c^2 - s^2)]
Qbar = T * Q * T_inv;
for ii=2
%transformed reduced stiffness matrix
A = Aii + Qbar*(ii-1)*t;
AA = [AA; sum(A,1)]
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