Debugging using external editor

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Anirudh Roy
Anirudh Roy 2020년 7월 12일
댓글: Vladimir Sovkov 2020년 7월 12일
How do i set breakpoints for MATLAB function in VS Code, for the time being i have to set breakpoints in MATLAB's editor. I want to be able to set breakpoints in VS code and debug in MATLAB.

답변 (1개)

Vladimir Sovkov
Vladimir Sovkov 2020년 7월 12일
  댓글 수: 2
Anirudh Roy
Anirudh Roy 2020년 7월 12일
Thanks for the link, but i supose this is specific to '.C' files. Does this work with '.M' files too?
Vladimir Sovkov
Vladimir Sovkov 2020년 7월 12일
Yes, this works if your purpose is to call a C program from Matlab.
If, alternatively, you want to turn your Matlab program to C, use the Matlab Coder:
and debug the resulting C codes as regular C codes,
while the initial m-files can be debugged in Matlab the usual way without VS.

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