differential equation with mixed linear and log derivatives - proper setting

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hello everybody,
I'd like to solve for y = y(x) the following equation
that contains derivatives on both x and log(x).
When I input the equation as
syms y(x) f
eq = diff( log(y), log(x) ) + diff( log(diff(y,x)), log(x) ) + diff( y, log(x) )*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
I always get an error about the log in the differentiation
Second argument must be a variable or a nonnegative integer specifying the number of
I have tried to input it as a system of equations
syms y(x,z) f
eq1 = diff( log(y), x ) + diff( log(diff(y,z)), x ) + diff( y, x )*x + y ...
== 1 + f;
eq2 = x == log(z);
But when I try to solve it
odes = [eq1;eq2];
sol = dsolve(odes);
I get an error that
Symbolic ODEs must have exactly one independent variable.
I'm likely doing something wrong in managing the equations.
Can someone help me, please?

채택된 답변

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020년 6월 17일
편집: Ameer Hamza 2020년 6월 17일
Using chain-rule, we can write
Therefore, the equation can be written as
syms y(x) f
eq = diff(log(y),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + diff(log(diff(y,x)),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + ...
diff(y,x)*1/diff(log(x),x)*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
sol = dsolve(eq);
The symbolic solution is
>> sol
sol =
((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
-((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
For numerical solution, try this
syms y(x) f
eq = diff(log(y),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + diff(log(diff(y,x)),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + ...
diff(y,x)*1/diff(log(x),x)*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
eq2 = odeToVectorField(eq);
odeFun = matlabFunction(eq2, 'Vars', {'x', 'Y', 'f'});
xspan = [0.1 10];
xs = 0.1:0.001:10;
fv = rand(size(xs));
ffun = @(x) interp1(xs, fv, x);
ic = [1; 2];
[t, y] = ode45(@(x, y) odeFun(x, y, ffun(x)), xspan, ic);
plot(t, y);
  댓글 수: 4
PatrizioGraziosi 2020년 6월 17일
Brilliant! This is what I couldn't understand, that ic(2) is y', sorry, and many thanks for your support!

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추가 답변 (1개)

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2020년 6월 17일
편집: David Goodmanson 2020년 6월 17일
Hi Patrezio,
d(log(x)) = dx/x, and you can insert that result in three locations to obtain
eq1 = x*diff( log(y), x) + x*diff( log(diff(y,x)), x) + x*diff( y, x)*log(x) + y == 1+f;
z = dsolve(eq1)
Warning: Unable to find explicit solution. Returning implicit solution instead.
> In dsolve (line 197)
solve([((C2 + f*y^2 + 2*y^2 - y^3)/(2*C1))^(1/(f - y + 2)) - x == 0, 1 < y - f], y) union ...
solve([((C2 + f*y^2 + 2*y^2 - y^3)/(2*C1))^(1/(f - y + 2)) - x == 0, ~1 < y - f], y)
There is no explicit solution for y(x), but there is a solution for x as a function of y. The solution is a union of two complementary regions of y, but if you are finding x as a function of y, that fact appears not to matter.
  댓글 수: 1
PatrizioGraziosi 2020년 6월 17일
편집: PatrizioGraziosi 2020년 6월 17일
Hi David,
thank you!
Sure if I find a x as a function of y is fine, however, I find
syms y(x) f
eq = diff(log(y),x)*x + diff(log(diff(y,x)),x)*x + ...
diff(y,x)*x*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
sol = dsolve(eq)
sol =
((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
-((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
which is specified in a different way from yours...

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