Sort unique string/number column based on last 2 characters

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Sole 2020년 6월 11일
댓글: Sole 2020년 6월 15일
How do I sort a column based on the last 2 characters while maintaining the unique string/number order? I want each group of unique strings/numbers to be reoriganized based on the last 2 characters in this order:
1. ut, fx, os, st, ng (doesn't matter what the order here)
2. ub
3. uu
4. uj
5. nh
Here's parts of the column (it's actually 67x1 cell)

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the cyclist
the cyclist 2020년 6월 11일
편집: the cyclist 2020년 6월 11일
Here is one way:
% The guide to ordering the letter-pairs. (Although the order of the first few letter-pairs
% doesn't matter, it seemed easier to just sort them anyway.)
order_guide = {'ut', 'fx', 'os', 'st', 'ng', 'ub', 'uu', 'uj', 'nh'};
% Input
input = {'ap12qw_nh','ap12qw_ub','ap12qw_uj','ap12qw_uu','zx23vb_fx'}'; % I didn't include them all
% Pull the last two characters of the input
last_two = cellfun(@(x)x(end-1:end),input,'UniformOutput',false);
% Identify which letter-pair the input belongs to, in order
[tf,indexOrder] = ismember(last_two,order_guide);
% Sort the input accordingly
[~,sorting_order] = sort(indexOrder);
sorted_input = input(sorting_order);
  댓글 수: 3
the cyclist
the cyclist 2020년 6월 11일
% Guide to ordering the 2-letter code.
order_guide = {'ut', 'fx', 'os', 'st', 'ng', 'ub', 'uu', 'uj', 'nh'};
% Input
input = {
% Pull the first six characters of the input, and find the unique ones
first_six = cellfun(@(x)x(1:6),input,'UniformOutput',false);
unique_first_six = unique(first_six);
% Pull the last two characters of the input
last_two = cellfun(@(x)x(end-1:end),input,'UniformOutput',false);
% Identify which 6-letter code the input belongs to, in order
[~,index6] = ismember(first_six,unique_first_six);
% Identify which 2-letter code the input belongs to, in order
[~,index2] = ismember(last_two,order_guide);
% Sort the input, first according to 6-letter code, then according to 2-letter code
[~,sorting_order] = sortrows([index6 index2],[1 2]);
sorted_input = input(sorting_order);
Sole 2020년 6월 15일
You are a genius! It works! That was a wall I hit. I couldn't figure it out. Thank you so much! The part you lost me at was using the sortrow command to simulataneously sort first 6 and last 2, but now it makes so much sense

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