How do I make a plot from a data table?

조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
Victoria Helm
Victoria Helm 2020년 6월 9일
댓글: Victoria Helm 2020년 6월 12일
I made a data table in matlab containing numerical and categorical data (number of trials and date for example). How do I make a plot or bargraph for two categories in my data table? I tried creating column vectors by assigning variable to a given column from my data table and then using the plot, bar, and histogram built in functions. None of them worked...any suggestions?

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Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2020년 6월 9일
편집: Cris LaPierre 2020년 6월 10일
  댓글 수: 3
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2020년 6월 10일
Sorry, I meant to include a link to it. I've updated my answer with the info.
Victoria Helm
Victoria Helm 2020년 6월 12일
Thanks so much, the video was very helpful!

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