Identifying missing gaps in daily timeseries

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Poulomi Ganguli
Poulomi Ganguli 2020년 6월 4일
댓글: Poulomi Ganguli 2020년 6월 4일
I have a daily timeseries data for 10 stations which are in foll. format:
year month day value
1970 1 1 12
1970 1 2 24
2010 12 31 34
This contains daily time series data from 1st January 1970 to 31st December 2010 with leap and non leap years. How to check for stations with (i) 12 months' record availability for each year record (ii) For each month at least 80% or more daily data availability?

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Kevin Joshi
Kevin Joshi 2020년 6월 4일
Please check the attached code to find data available for year/month
  댓글 수: 1
Poulomi Ganguli
Poulomi Ganguli 2020년 6월 4일
But how do I check if each of the month contains at least 80% or more data availability. I have to run the loop, so I can't go for visual way? And each case, starting and ending year may vary depending on stations.

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