For Loop to generate value alternately

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tommaso Donolato
Tommaso Donolato 2020년 6월 4일
답변: Ora Nito 2024년 6월 7일
Good morning,
I would like to ask you some help with writing a script. I have a beam with variable length. On this beam there are two types of load, whose values are 4 and 8. These two values alternate every 3 meters. I would like to write a script that for a number of times, starting from a fixed length, adding three meters for every loop, automatically it alternates the value of 4 and of 8.
For example starting from a beam of 12 meters, I have the loads which are 4, 8, 4 equidistant (3 meters from each other). I want to start a loop of 10 iteration, which adds 3 meter to the starting beam length (12 + 3) and add the load equal to 8 for the first iteration; for the second iteration it adds again 3 meters (12 + 3 + 3) and the added load is 4. These procedure should be performed n times.
Thanks a lot for your availability.

채택된 답변

Paresh yeole
Paresh yeole 2020년 6월 4일
% initialize n
length_of_beam = 12;
for i = 1 : n
length_of_beam = length_of_beam +3;
if mod(i,2) == 0
load(i) = 8;
load(i) = 4;
  댓글 수: 5
Paresh yeole
Paresh yeole 2020년 6월 4일
% initialize n
length_of_beam(1) = 12;
load(1) = 4;
for i = 2 : n
length_of_beam(i) = length_of_beam(i-1) +3;
if mod(i,2) == 0
load(i) = load(i-1) + 8;
load(i) = load(i-1) + 4;
% you have two 1 * n vectors length_of_beam and load
Tommaso Donolato
Tommaso Donolato 2020년 6월 4일
Thank you very much, it works perfectly.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Ora Nito
Ora Nito 2024년 6월 7일
In vectorized form:
N = 10;% must be even
lob0 = 12;
dlob = 3;
length_of_beam_1 = lob0 - dlob + cumsum(dlob.*ones(1,N));
l1 = 4.*ones(1,fix(N/2));
l2 = 8.*ones(1,fix(N/2));
load_temp = [l1; l2];
load_1 = cumsum(load_temp(:))';


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