How can I apply a function to an image to make it find figure shapes in that image ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
N/A 2020년 6월 2일
편집: N/A 2020년 6월 7일
I've got 3 diffirent shapes in image:
1) The red one can be described with r1 = 3-3cos(thetha) (polar coordinate system)
2) The blue one can be described with r2 = tan(sin(2*thetha)) (polar coordinate system)
3) The green one can be described with r3 = 5-4sin(2*thetha) (polar coordinate system)
So I give MatLab as in imput an image with 3 diffrent shapes, every shape can be described with it's own mathematical function (wrote about it in the begining) I've got 3 functions, and also i know how their graphs in polar coordinate look like
So now, i wanna make MatLab to work in the following way:
1) MatLab already got image with 3 different shapes as an imput;
2) I've wrote down in a live script all 3 mathematical function, that can describe my shapes in image (function's graph in polar coordinate has the same shape as the shape in image)
3) I don't understand completely how, but MatLab should do the following ( he sees a red shape in image, then he should somehow understand, that function's r1=3-3cos(thetha) graph shape is the same shape as he sees in image (the red shape in image))
4) Then he should find out that the red shape in image, can be described with r1=3-3cos(thetha) function and then he should say that red shape in image can be described with function r1=3-3cos(thetha) and tell me about this Is this possible to do as i am asking or not?
And the last thing - all these 3 shapes in image are not red/blue/green, they are grey, i've used colours in desmos just to say that there are 3 different shapes and every shape can be desctibed with it's mathematical functions ( to do that, just fo clearness, i've made them red/green/blue, so that's can't be related to a rgb image, it's just line colours in desmos)
So I’m just asking whether I can do it in deep learning toolbox, cause I’ve tried to do it in image processing toolbox and didn’t succeed, cause I know what should I do, but I completely misunderstand, even in which way should I work, like, which toolbox for example I need to choose in the beginning.
Please be patient, I’m kinda of a Matlab lamer
  댓글 수: 5
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020년 6월 7일
Did you count the number of red, green, and blue pixels in the image? That should tell you. Use the Color Thresholder on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon if you need functions to get those curves. Really, it's easy - you should have solved it by now. You can do it in like 5 minutes. Just count the number of red, green, and blue pixels and whichever count is higher is the curve that it is.
N/A 2020년 6월 7일
편집: N/A 2020년 6월 7일
I’ sorry - I’ve forgot to copy from my first message that red/blue/green is just color lines, which I tried to use, to make my question clearly - like I’ve got 3 types of curves, and to match each curve’s graph to mathematical function, that describes this curve I used colors in Desmos
So in the original picture that I have to work with, all curves are grey..
Thanks for your comment

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