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Matlab compiler + image acquisition issue

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
matlab user guy
matlab user guy 2012년 11월 14일
I am currently able to run some code to capture images from a GigE camera on one of my 32 bit Windows machines. I have the following code in one of my functions:
vidObj = videoinput('wininput', 1, 'Y800_1280x960');
src = getselectedsource(vidObj);
set(src, 'Exposure', 10);
When I compile this code and run the exe on another 32 bit machine it doesn't work (after installing MCR on the other machine), unless I change to vidObj = videoinput('wininput', 1), and I remove the line setting the exposure. The first problem I can live with, but I need to be able to set the exposure.
Any thoughts?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012년 11월 14일
For the first question, you probably have two cameras - your gige camera and the built-in webcam. You need to get the adapter you want. Play around with this code snippet to adapt it to your needs:
hardwareInfo = imaqhwinfo % Print what cameras are there.
adaptorNames = hardwareInfo.InstalledAdaptors;
% Might look something like:
% InstalledAdaptors: {'dcam' 'gentl' 'gige' 'lumeneraimaqw64' 'matrox' 'winvideo'}
matches = strfind(adaptorNames, 'lumenera');
% Find out which index is the Lumenera Camera.
LumeneraIndex = find(~cellfun(@isempty, matches));
theLumeneraAdaptor = adaptorNames{LumeneraIndex}
hw2 = imaqhwinfo(theLumeneraAdaptor)
devInfo = hw2.DeviceInfo
devName = devInfo.DeviceName
devID = devInfo.DeviceID
For the next question, don't use set(). Simply do this:
src.exposure = theDesiredExposureValue;
  댓글 수: 2
matlab user guy
matlab user guy 2012년 11월 14일
That will definitely be it... thanks!
I just picked out a random computer to test distributing on, and it didn't even cross my mind that it would have a webcam.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012년 11월 14일
You're welcome. Then mark this question as "Answered."

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