creating an image by (x,y) coordinates and value (no grid)

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Oded Scharf
Oded Scharf 2020년 5월 19일
댓글: Oded Scharf 2020년 5월 20일
I have a nX3 matrix where the first two colunms are x and y coordinates of the sample point and the third is the value in that point.
I want to creat an image (or a plot) showing the values in the coresponding coordinates without using a grid.
Is it possible?

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Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020년 5월 19일
M = rand(1000, 3);
x = M(:,1);
y = M(:,2);
V = M(:,3);
xg = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100);
yg = linspace(min(y), max(y), 100);
[Xg, Yg] = meshgrid(xg, yg);
Vg = griddata(x, y, V, Xg, Yg);
  댓글 수: 3
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020년 5월 20일
It does not create a 3D plot. It creates a 2D matrix (Vg), which can be considered an image. At the end of my code, you can write use pcolor

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