problem in fluid properties of the hydraulic system

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mimen16 2020년 5월 2일
답변: Jocie Kluger 2020년 11월 23일
i'm simulating a servo valve hydraulic controlling system
i want to see the effect of fluid contamination by analysing the different changes in properties of the actuators ( velocity , pressure , position...etc)
but when i change the hydraulic fluid viscosity and density i see no changes in the graphs
i used a custom hydraulic fluid .
can i know why pleaaase??

답변 (1개)

Jocie Kluger
Jocie Kluger 2020년 11월 23일
This model might not be sensitive to the changes to the viscosity and density. Please upload a model that reproduces the issue, and we can take a closer look.


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