i need to give three inputs(three duty cycles D1 D2 D3) to power converter, one input at a time sequentially one after other and the switching truth table is
D1 D2 D3
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
i tried with 1)multi-port switch, 2)delay and mux combination but dint get as desired.
ya k sir ,will try this, i did a model by multiplying pulse generator and constant block, gave phase delays for pulse generator, but setting sample time is a tedious task for me. sample time mis matches between unit delay in other sub systems,
1)is there any extreme limits(min&max) for setting sample time of whole system
2) based on what criteria the sample time should be set
the limit of the sample time depends on your real system and the performances of your computer and DAQ (data aquisition). I can't tell you how to choose your sample time, you should ask this question to specialists of power elctronics.