Function of rates in matlab

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Rafael Zanetti
Rafael Zanetti 2020년 4월 25일
댓글: Sriram Tadavarty 2020년 4월 25일
Hi everyone, I'm not get figure out this function asked in a problem:
My function is that:
function [rate_of_taxi,total] = taxi_fare(d,t)
rate_of_taxi = (5 + (2*(d + 1))) + (0.25 * (t + 1));
but does not work.
I Than you if could help me.

답변 (1개)

Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty 2020년 4월 25일
편집: Sriram Tadavarty 2020년 4월 25일
You can try this:
function fare = taxi_fare(d,t)
fkm = 1; % first km
add_km = ceil(d-fkm); % additional km, perform ceil as stated in question
costkm = (fkm*5)+(add_km*2); % First km * 5 + additiona kms * 2
waittime = ceil(t); % Calculate the wait time
costWaittime = waittime*0.25; % Fare for wait time
fare = costkm + costWaittime; % Total cost
Hope this helps.
  댓글 수: 2
Rafael Zanetti
Rafael Zanetti 2020년 4월 25일
That works Sriram, thank you for your help.
Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty 2020년 4월 25일
Please do accept the answer, if helped.

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