Sacar N submatrices de una matriz

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Isabel Aldana Benavides
Isabel Aldana Benavides 2020년 4월 25일
댓글: Isabel Aldana Benavides 2020년 4월 25일
Tengo una matriz de N columnas, por 4 filas, esas N columnas son multiplos de 200, yo quiero sacar las N submatrices, cada 200, es decir si tengo 1000 columnas sacar las columnas 1,201,401,601,801, y esta ser una submatriz, asimismo para las columnas 2,202,402,602,802... y asi hasta 200,400,600,800,1000.
Alguna idea?
Muchas gracias

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Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty 2020년 4월 25일
HI Isabel,
You wanted to have submatrices which are having columns spread by 200 each. This can be done with a for loop as such:
x = randi([0 100],4,1000); % Arandom matrix of size 4 x 1000
tmp = cell(1,200);
for i = 1:200
tmp{i} = x(:,i:200:end);
% Each cell of tmp contains a submatrix which are the columns spread by 200
% each
% For example submatrix 2 can be known with tmp{2}
Hope this helps.
Please do post your upcoming questions in english to reach out wider audience.
Thanking you.

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