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Guihandles changes since matlab 2016?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ottavia Rossini
Ottavia Rossini 2020년 4월 24일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
Hey guys,
I am working with Matlab 2018b and trying to run an older code written in Matlab2016b and it doesn't run as it should.
The code itself creates a Gui and instead of showing me the complete Gui with buttons it shows me only the background. I was wondering if something maybe changed in the newest version of matlab. Can anyone help?
Here the code:
function RosGui()
MainFigure = figure('NumberTitle','off','Name','Super Combi Tool','Visible','on','Position',[1,1,1320,762],...
'Units','pixels','Color','k'); %,'ToolBar','none','MenuBar','none'
MainGui = guihandles(MainFigure);
initbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/InitButton.png');
MainGui.initbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[21,690,117,50],'FontSize',16,'CData',initbuttonimg);
viewbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/ViewButton.png');
MainGui.viewbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[153,690,48,50],'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive','CData',viewbuttonimg);
developmentbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/DevelopmentButtong.png');
MainGui.developmentbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[213,690,135,50],'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive','CData',developmentbuttonimg);
startbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/StartButton.png');
MainGui.startstopbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[794,690,48,50],'CData',startbuttonimg,'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive');
stopbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/StopButton.png');
MainGui.stopbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[866,690,48,50],'CData',stopbuttonimg,'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive');
savebuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/savebutton.png');
MainGui.savebutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[929,690,48,50],'CData',savebuttonimg,'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive');
resetbuttonimg = imread('Grafiken/reset.png');
MainGui.resetbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','pixels','Position',[992,690,48,50],'CData',resetbuttonimg,'FontSize',16,'Enable','inactive');
MainGui.startcover = axes('Units','pixels','Position',[20,20,1280,660]);
% Startcover initialisieren
start_figure = imread('Grafiken/start_cover.png');
% GuiData speichern
  댓글 수: 4
Ottavia Rossini
Ottavia Rossini 2020년 4월 27일
There were no errors but I found the mistake.
In the code the position of push buttons is given in pixels, therefore using another screen would make them disappear.
Thank you for your help though!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 4월 27일
also if you happen to be using a high resolution display on Mac or Windows, then the meaning of pixels units changed from physical to 1/72 inch or 1/100 inch (like the "points" unit)

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