Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical value.
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am having a problem with my index variable, and I don't know why the issue is happening.
for ii = 1: length(omegaDArr) % omega_D iterated
omegaD = omegaDArr(ii);
epsilon = epsilonArr(jj);
Iter = 1;
driverCollapseOccurrenceArray = zeros(1, Iter);
StateTransitionResults = zeros(Iter, 2);
for kk = 1 : Iter
xD = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % Init Cond. Driver
xR1 = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % Init. Cond. Resp1
xR2 = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % init. Cond. Resp2
[X, outcome, networkCollapsedFlags, timesChimeraToCollapsed,timesCollapsedToChimera]=changesN_TestChaosMain(kk, N, b, alphaD, omegaD, couplingonset, epsilon, xD, xR1, xR2, NumberWindows, WindowLength, dt);
driverCollapseOccurrenceArray(kk) = networkCollapsedFlags(1); % driver
StateTransitionResults(kk,1) = ~isempty(timesChimeraToCollapsed);
StateTransitionResults(kk,2) = ~isempty(timesCollapsedToChimera);
this line:
pctCollapseThenChimeraArr = 100*mean(StateTransitionResults(StateTransitionResults(:,2) ,1) );
gives the error message:
Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
댓글 수: 6
Ameer Hamza
2020년 4월 18일
If you are trying to extract the column, then you should write it like this
pctCollapseThenChimeraArr = 100*mean(StateTransitionResults(: ,1) );
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