Question about 5G toolbox

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
AngeloRob 2020년 4월 9일
답변: Sriram Tadavarty 2021년 2월 1일
during the quarantine I've decided to study the 5G MATLAB toolbox. Today I found a very interesting result in:
as you can see there is a BLER vs SNIR plot but there isn't explained how can be obtained, can anyone help me?

답변 (1개)

Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty 2021년 2월 1일
Hi Angelo Rob,
The BLER versus SINR result is placed by running the simulations in NewRadioPDSCHThroughputExample. The PDSCH throughput example is updated to configure a CSI resource definition, as defined in TS 38.214 Section The simulation is performed for 100 frames, with the step size of 0.5 dB and TS 38.214 Table as cqi-table. The simulations consider the practical channel estimation method, with 'AveragingWindow' as [5 1], for a SISO scenario. 'AveragingWindow' specifies the number of adjacent reference symbols in the frequency domain and time domain, over which averaging must be performed in the channel estimation procedure. Simulations for PDSCH throughput are performed by considering the modulation scheme and code rate corresponding to each CQI in cqi-table, considering certain channel conditions and across a finite range of SINR values with zero interference. The SINR value observed at the receiver, where the target BLER (0.1) is achieved, gets mapped against each CQI index.
Hope this helps.


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