problem with function sinc

조회 수: 33 (최근 30일)
dert sgt
dert sgt 2020년 3월 27일
편집: dert sgt 2020년 3월 27일
hello everyone
i have a problem with the function sinc (i'm not so expert i started to use mathlab 3 months ago) and i wrote this:
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
but i have an error:
Undefined function 'sinc' for input arguments of type 'double'.
someone can help me? thanks

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Birdman 2020년 3월 27일
편집: Birdman 2020년 3월 27일
Adapt its formula as follows:
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y=sin(pi*x)./(pi*x);%sinc function
  댓글 수: 7
Jack 2020년 3월 27일
While the singal processing toolbox has sinc() defined explicitly, you can always create a function that does this -- e.g. put the following in a file called sinc.m somewhere in your current path (or in ~/Documents/MATLAB/ or My Documents\MATLAB\)
function out = sinc(x)
% Deal with the removable singularity at 0 explicitly.
out = sin(x)./x;
out(x == 0) = 1;
dert sgt
dert sgt 2020년 3월 27일
thanks so much again you're fantastic!

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