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Error using readtable, Input must be a row vector of characters or string scalar: WHERE IS YOUR PROBLEM??

조회 수: 28 (최근 30일)
Hi guys.
My problem is rather common but I cannot solve it. I have several .csv files that I want to combine into one (same sheet). I am trying
vars={'Temperature'; 'Relative humidity'};
path = append(output_path,'\',stations{i},'\');
files = append(path, 'Stats ', months ,' ', stations{i} ,' ',vars{1},' .csv');
result = table();
for fidx = 1:numel(files)
filecontent = readtable(files);
[~, filenumber] = fileparts(files(fidx).name);
filecontent.file_label = repmat(str2double(filenumber), height(filecontent), 1);
result = [result; filecontent];
Just to help you understand, stations{i} come from the attached .xlsx and the attached .csv is one of the many files I want to combine. When I run these lines I get the message "Error using readtable, Input must be a row vector of characters or string scalar". I tried files = char(files) but it didn't work.
Any ideas please???
PS. I am on 2019a.

채택된 답변

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2020년 3월 12일
편집: Fangjun Jiang 2020년 3월 12일
readtable() can read one file at a time. Your "files" variable seems to contain multiple files. So you can't use readtable(files). Most likely, you need to use readtable(files{fidx})
Whenever there is an error, try to debug it yourself. Put a break point in the code, run the code line by line, check out the value of each variable, and look at the error message.
  댓글 수: 7
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2020년 3월 12일
so pause your running program at this line, check the value of "fidx", "files" and run "files(fidx)", "files(fidx).name" in Command Window. You will see the exact same error message. You have to ask youself what do you mean and why do you run "files(fidx).name"?
Daphne PARLIARI 2020년 3월 13일
You were right. I fixed my code as follows, in case someone has the same problem with me:
path = append(output_path,'\',stations{i},'\');
files = append(path, 'Stats ', months ,' ', stations{i} ,' ',vars{1},' .csv');
result = table();
for fidx = 1:numel(files)
filecontent = readtable(files{fidx});
[~, filenumber] = fileparts(files{fidx});
filecontent.file_label = repmat(str2double(filenumber), height(filecontent), 1);
result = [result; filecontent];
outfile = [output_path,'\',stations{i},'\','Monthly T stats ',stations{i},' 2015.xlsx'];
Thanks everyone for your contribution!

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