How can I make each cell array consistent in length?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Farshid Daryabor
Farshid Daryabor 2020년 3월 2일
댓글: Farshid Daryabor 2020년 3월 2일
I'm really grateful for anyone telling me how to make cell arrays equal in length (please find attached). The following code doesn'y work.
N = cellfun(@numel, T_mon);
>> M = min(N);
>> newN = M * ceil(N / M);
>> padfun = @(k) [T_mon{k} zeros(1, newN(k) - N(k))] ;
>> T_mon_new = arrayfun(padfun, 1:numel(T_mon) , 'un', 0) ;
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in @(k)[T_mon{k},zeros(1,newN(k)-N(k))]

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Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley 2020년 3월 2일
Do you mean this?
N = cellfun(@numel, T_mon);
M = max(N);
T_mon_new = cellfun(@(a) [a; zeros(M - numel(a),1)],T_mon,'uni',0);
  댓글 수: 3
Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley 2020년 3월 2일
Yes, just changing:
N = cellfun(@numel, T_mon);
M = max(N);
T_mon_new = cellfun(@(a) [a; nan(M - numel(a),1)],T_mon,'uni',0);
Farshid Daryabor
Farshid Daryabor 2020년 3월 2일
Thanks, I really appreciate

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