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Help needed with finding an average delta value in my dataset

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Uma Dixit
Uma Dixit 2020년 2월 28일
답변: darova 2020년 2월 29일
I have a 1x200 array called "Datapoints". What I am wanting to do is take the 10 highest points and the 10 lowest points and subtract them from each other so I can get an array of 10 delta values. I know I can utilize the "diff" function for this.
I am using findpeaks(Datapoints) to get the peaks in the dataset, however when taking the negative of the dataset to find the troughs (findpeaks(-Datapoints)), it is not finding the lowest points.
Is there an easier way to do this? Please help.

채택된 답변

darova 2020년 2월 29일
I'd just use sort for this purpose
data1 = sort(data);
highest = data(end-9:end));
lowest = data(1:10);

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