Write a MATLAB program to plot the following:b. The magnitude of the electric field along the central axis of a uniformly charged circular disk of radium 1 m and charge density 1 C/m2. Assume that the disk is centred around the Z –axis.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Is my code is correct?
sigma = 1; % in C/m^2
R = 1; % R in metres
k = 9e9;
n = input('Enter the value of z:');
z = -n:1:n;
E = ((sigma*k*2*pi)*(1-z./(R.^2+z.^2).^0.5));
title("Electric Field Along z-axis");
xlabel('z-axis (in metres)');
ylabel('E-field (in N/C)');

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