How to store corrcoef values?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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Hello, I currently have a script and would like to store the respective r and p values in a matrix. I tried with A(n) = R after the last line but it does not work. Does anyone know what I should code for? Thanks!
for n = 1:10
pfc =A(combined(n,1),:);
fef = B(combined(n,2),:);
%rmb to cut to length
zpfc = zscore(pfc);
zfef = zscore(fef);
[R,P] == corrcoef (zpfc,zfef)); %%how to store the 10 answers from the for loop
댓글 수: 0
답변 (1개)
Bhaskar R
2020년 2월 14일
편집: Bhaskar R
2020년 2월 14일
If the size of the corrcoef is consistent through out the loop
% row = should write the rows of the corrcoef result
% col = should write the columns of the corrcoef result
R = zeros(row, col, 10); % initiate zeroes mutli dimensional array to store result
P = zeros(row, col, 10);
for n = 1:10
pfc =A(combined(n,1),:);
fef = B(combined(n,2),:);
%rmb to cut to length
zpfc = zscore(pfc);
zfef = zscore(fef);
[R(:, :,n),P(:,:, n)] = corrcoef (zpfc,zfef)); %%how to store the 10 answers from the for loop
To access data of R and P
R(:,:, 1) % for n =1 data
For more details
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