how to remove NAN from a double inside a cell array?

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Farshid Daryabor
Farshid Daryabor 2020년 1월 23일
댓글: Justin Xuereb 2022년 4월 19일
can some one how can I remove NAN from a double inside a cell array (attached file)?
  댓글 수: 5
Guillaume 2020년 1월 23일
You haven't answered my question and we can't really answer yours until you do. You may get some answers that do something but possibly not what you want.
Given the matrix M in my example, you could
  • Delete rows that have any NaN, in my example this would also remove the numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10, ending up with:
M = [1 2 3
4 5 6]; %all the other rows have NaN
  • Delete rows that are all NaN, this still leaves some NaN, but doesn't delete any number, ending up with:
M = [1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 NaN
9 10 NaN
11 NaN NaN];
  • Delete columns that have any NaN, in my example this delete all columns, ending up with
M = []
  • Delete columns that are all NaN. In my example this doesn't delete any rows. You get the same M
  • Delete all the NaNs, since you can't have holes in a matrix, you'd end up with a vector:
M = [1 4 7 9 11 2 5 8 10 3 6] %in this order
  • do something else that you haven't explained.
So, please clarify.
Farshid Daryabor
Farshid Daryabor 2020년 1월 23일
Each columns are corresponds to a latitude and longitude to introduce seawater temperature profiles. I want to keep the matrix structure as is, but delete the NaNs from each column.
I tried to interpolate NaNs, but problem is converting cell to number, I used the following function, encountering with error, Out = cellfun(@cell2mat, (inpaint_nans(mycelldata,0)) ); Any comment to improve.

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답변 (2개)

Hamdan Almusaibeli
Hamdan Almusaibeli 2021년 4월 7일
>> uq =
1×3 cell array
{3×3 double} {7×3 double} {7×3 double}
>> uq{1}
ans =
0.5000 0.3333 0.0500
2.5000 0.3333 0.0500
2.5000 0.3333 0.0500
uq{1}(isnan(uq{1}(:,1)),:) = []
>> uq{1}
ans =
0.5000 0.3333 0.0500
2.5000 0.3333 0.0500
2.5000 0.3333 0.0500

KSSV 2020년 1월 23일
You can fill the nans using fillmissing. Also you can do interpolation ang the values at the places of nan. Read about interp1.
  댓글 수: 7
Guillaume 2020년 1월 23일
Note that this is a solution to my second bullet point.
A better way (probably faster) to do the above is:
newA = A(~any(isnan(A), 2), :)
Justin Xuereb
Justin Xuereb 2022년 4월 19일

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